Customer experience
Improving customer experience drives better results in the federal government
Customer experience (CX) is the sum of the public's interactions with any government service. An intentional CX strategy is essential to building and maintaining public trust, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government programs, and delivering better outcomes for the public.
Related Policy
Executive Order 14058: Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery To Rebuild Trust in Government and OMB Circular A-11, Section 280

Customer experience: Essential knowledge
Embedding equity in civic design to transform customer experience
Two civic designers explain the deep ties between equity and customer experience in federal government.
Customer experience tools from the Department of Homeland Security
Explore resources to support establishing a customer centric mindset in the federal government.
Follow time-tested steps from the Department of Veterans Affairs
Explore the Customer Experience Cookbook and other resources to support building customer experience capabilities.
Understanding the Digital Analytics Program
The Digital Analytics Program offers advanced, easy web analytics for federal agencies.
Customer experience events
USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023
USWDS Monthly Call - October 2023
2023 Government UX Summit
Strengthening information accessibility for consumers with limited English proficiency
Customer experience news
Learn how the team used a bold “Clean Slate” approach to reimagine the site and meet real user needs.
Making government text messaging more effective with
To improve access to government services, GSA launched, a notification tool that sends text message reminders about government services and benefits programs. This service aims to ensure families receive the right information at the right time on the government services they use.— via General Services Administration

Enhancing the customer-centricity of GSA websites
An overview of GSA’s website evaluation process, which combines qualitative and quantitative data to assess website management and performance.
Making the case for human-centered design: A Department of Justice case study
The Access DOJ initiative shares nine lessons on making services more accessible, effective, and efficient.
Making targeted improvements to A case study from the National Park Service
NPS enhances user experience on by integrating Digital Analytics Program web analytics data and customer feedback from GSA Touchpoints.
Resources on Customer experience
Requirements for transforming federal customer experience and service delivery
Learn how to strengthen customer experience and service delivery within your federal agency.
An introduction to customer experience
Understand what customer experience (CX) is and how to leverage customer feedback and analytics to enhance the public’s experience when interacting with government services.
Executive Order 14058: Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government
A more simple, seamless, and secure customer experience for the American public.
How to Present Like a Pro
Wendy Wagner-Smith of the Small Business Administration (SBA) shares her tips and tricks for presenting virtually.
Department of Homeland Security: Usability Testing Kit
A resource with four approaches to help federal employees perform usability testing.
OMB Circular A-11 Section 280: Managing Customer Experience and Improving Service Delivery
Guidance on how to measure customer experience, including questions on satisfaction and confidence and trust in section 280.7
An advanced approach to accessibility
A deeper look at accessibility: what to do, how to do it, and why it matters.
Guide to the Paperwork Reduction Act
A plain language guide which answers the most common questions to the PRA.
Required web content and links
Various policies require you to have certain content—or provide links to content—from specific places on your website.
Tips for Starting Your Customer Experience Journey
Low-cost, low-lift actions that any federal employee can take to improve customer experience.
Tools and Services
USAGov and USAGov en Español
A customer service platform that helps the public navigate the government space by providing topical information and services in English and Spanish.
Touchpoints offers a simple, flexible, and convenient way to start collecting customer feedback so you can focus on serving customers rather than managing surveys.
More News and Events on Customer experience
101 posts
Learn how the team used a bold “Clean Slate” approach to reimagine the site and meet real user needs.
Making government text messaging more effective with
To improve access to government services, GSA launched, a notification tool that sends text message reminders about government services and benefits programs. This service aims to ensure families receive the right information at the right time on the government services they use.— via General Services Administration

Enhancing the customer-centricity of GSA websites
An overview of GSA’s website evaluation process, which combines qualitative and quantitative data to assess website management and performance.
Making the case for human-centered design: A Department of Justice case study
The Access DOJ initiative shares nine lessons on making services more accessible, effective, and efficient.
Making targeted improvements to A case study from the National Park Service
NPS enhances user experience on by integrating Digital Analytics Program web analytics data and customer feedback from GSA Touchpoints.
Building a culture of customer experience across government
The Life Experience teams contain lessons for establishing a culture of customer experience in government, shifting to a focus on organizational practices.
User research and the Paperwork Reduction Act
User research is an important part of customer experience transformation. Different types of research require different approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). Through seven case studies, the U.S. Digital Service shows how agencies conducted valuable user research that did not require PRA approval and successfully integrated findings into their projects. Their work illustrates how thoughtful user research transforms delivery of services and helps agencies build trust in government.— via U.S. Digital Service

Developing an easier way to recruit user research participants and 10x recently partnered to develop a new user research recruitment page. The page launched in February 2024 and has attracted hundreds of sign-ups. It allows participants to assist in testing government websites for compensation, and helps teams find participants that match needed demographics. By simplifying the process and expanding recruitment of diverse populations, the initiative aims to support and streamline user research. It plans to add recruitment opportunities in additional languages and recruit more specific audiences for future studies.— via

A small team’s journey through digital maturity
As a small team, adopted user research and customer experience early. That foundation helps develop evidence-based strategies for today.
Federal customer experience: OMB has taken actions to implement cross-agency priority goals
In 2021, the President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. To implement this priority area, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) set two long-term, cross-agency priority (CAP) goals. In this study, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reviews OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts towards these CAP goals. Learn about actions taken by OMB and selected High Impact Service Providers (HISPs), how OMB has facilitated interagency collaboration, and the extent to which OMB has overseen and assessed progress on these CAP goals.— via Government Accountability Office

Delivering seamless customer journeys
GSA shares a 4-step process used to measure and analyze related websites, and additional plans to improve customers’ digital experience.
Determining the true value of a website: A GSA case study
GSA has developed a composite indicator to visualize six key components of website success.
Spring 2024 Community Summit
Customer experience: beyond surveys
Want to measure customer experience? Surveys aren’t the only way! Consider these guiding questions to help your team select an approach based on what you want to learn.— via 18F

Customer experience and human-centered design
Customer experience is the application of design within a business context to craft the human experience.
Amplifying customer voices
Understand how to use natural language processing and advanced analytics to gain insights on high-impact service performance and survey design.
Delivering on 21st Century IDEA: A case study from the GSA SmartPay team (Part 3)
A GSA SmartPay product owner shares her experience designing user-centered, accessible content for multiple audiences.
USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023
2023 Federal Customer Experience (CX) Summit
The inaugural Federal CX Summit will be held November 16th, 2023. Featured speakers from across government will share how to focus on delivering impact to customers and building CX capacity, and will discuss innovations, trends, and technologies that can be leveraged to enhance customer experience at federal agencies. Register to attend this virtual event co-hosted by the Customer Experience Center of Excellence (CX CoE), 18F, and the CX Community of Practice.— via The Centers of Excellence

Decoding public sentiment: Harnessing open data to gain insights into service delivery
Exploring High-Impact Service Provider performance through open source data analysis to enhance customer experience with federal services.