Crowdsourced Digital Citizen Services Summit
In May 2015, we’re hosting the second DigitalGov Citizen Services Summit “Spring 2015 DigitalGov Citizen Services Summit”). This round we are looking to you—federal innovators across government—to help build the agenda. We want to get you the information you need, ignite discussion, foster sharing, build capacity, even get you to challenge and debate each other in the name of delivering better digital services. So, we’ve set up a crowdsourcing platform where you can suggest presentation ideas and vote for your favorites.
Step 1: Think Up a Great Idea

VLADGRIN, iStock, Thinkstock
We’re looking for forward-thinking ideas, and we’re emphasizing creativity and innovation. Got a great program—or part of a program—to share? Did you hear about someone else’s great program that you want to learn more about? Do you wish someone solved a problem you’re facing and want to tap the wisdom of the crowd? Want to tell your story in front of your peers? Now’s the time to crystallize your idea.
This year’s theme is open. We want sessions and presos to focus on how “opening” data, content, code, contracts and talent makes digital citizen services better, more effective or even cheaper.
Step 2: Propose Your Great Idea

Go to Citizen Services Summit 2015. Go there now!
Anyone can propose a session. We’re accepting proposals through the end of January. And, while you can add your proposed topic anonymously, if you create an account, you’ll be able to edit or add to your suggestion and get feedback from us. We might want to ask you to clarify, for example. No worries if you submit an idea without a speaker. We want to know what you want to know! We can work to find a great presenter on the topic. During this time, you’ll also be able to vote on submissions as they come in.
Step 3: Vote on Great Ideas

bymandesigns, iStock, Thinkstock
On February 1, 2015, we’ll open up the voting floodgates (and close to new submissions). Everyone can vote for the presentation(s) that they’d like to see at the Summit. You can vote for more than one great idea.
Voting is open until February 28th. But there’s more! You can also add a comment to volunteer to present or suggest a speaker. You could also add information or case studies to support the idea.
And Then What Happens? Selection.

Presentations will be selected based on a magic combination your votes, recommendations from a sounding board of a bunch of smart digital gov leaders and flavored by our best judgement.
Register now to reserve your spot. Last year’s program sold out. We’ll publish the full the program and speakers in March 2015, but you can sign up for email updates to get the latest as we continue the planning.