DigitalGov’s 2015 Year in Review

As we look ahead to 2016, we wanted to take a minute to look at our most popular content in 2015 and reflect on our second year. This was a big year for DigitalGov as we saw our session traffic nearly double and our weekly and daily email subscribers increase by 15%. DigitalGov was also named as a 2015 must-read blog by FedTech magazine, which is due to the great contributions from our guest authors, representing 42 agencies and departments across the federal government!
Looking over the content we published this year and at the pieces you were most interested in, we were happy to see that your interest spans several areas of the digital space, including: security, user experience, accessibility, social media and Terms of Service, and information about our services.
So as 2015 comes to a close, we want to THANK YOU for reading, sharing and commenting. You can look forward to more interesting content in 2016. If there’s something you’d like to see featured on DigitalGov, let us know.

Jason Enterline/iStock/Thinkstock
Here are the top 10 most-popular 2015 articles (in terms of pageviews):
Using Personas to Better Understand Customers: Case Study
Using Section 508 Guidance to Improve the Accessibility of Government Services
From Elephant to ELK: How We Migrated Our Analytics System to Elasticsearch
You can also read about what our division, the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (OCSIT), was up to in 2015.
