Professional development
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76 posts
Start Your Tech Career in Government as a U.S. Digital Corps Fellow
Applications for the first cohort of U.S. Digital Corps Fellows will open on Monday, November 8th.
From Silicon Valley to GovTech: How a Data Scientist Turned Their Passion for Helping People Into a Career in Public Service
Many opportunities are available for technologists to make an impact in public service. See how Avena Cheng, a data scientist at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), turned a passion for improving people’s lives into a govtech career.
2021 Federal Plain Language Summit
Using Plain Language To Tell Our Stories
GSA Launches New Innovation Adoption Community of Practice
GSA is launching the Innovation Adoption Community of Practice on to connect those who embrace innovative methods and practices that improve government service delivery.
8 Ways Community of Practice (CoP) Managers Can Improve Member Engagement on Listservs
Are you a Community of Practice (CoP) lead? Find yourself participating in a CoP discussion and wondering what else you can do? We’ve got some suggestions.
Positioning Yourself as a Plain Language Editor
Federal Developmental Opportunities Workshop
How to Present Like a Pro
How to Present Like a Pro—When you are presenting on streaming video, you are essentially doing the same thing as a television news anchor. Try these common methods that television presenters use daily to improve your presentation skills in the “zoom” era.— via
6 Ways To Navigate the Civic Tech Sea of Newness
Two former private-sector marketers now serving as Presidential Innovation Fellows share tips for building relationships and finding your way as a civic technologist.
TTS Reflects: Black Histories to Celebrate Year-Round
Black history is American history. In this blog, TTS employees share how Black history makers can inspire our work and innovation year-round.
A Soldier’s Journey from Big Tech to Government Innovation
Why I returned to government service, how I brought my tech experience with me, and why you should too.
2020 Federal Plain Language Summit
Bringing Our Human(ity) to Work: 5 Ingredients for a Delightful Town Hall
How to design impactful and engaging Town Hall or large group meetings.