Product and project management
Strong product and project management steer federal agencies to successful service delivery.
Effective product and project management practices are cornerstones of success for federal agencies. They streamline resource allocation, mitigate risk, and ensure impactful delivery of essential digital services.
Related Policy
Program Management Improvement Accountability Act and OMB M-18-19

Product and project management: Essential knowledge
Federal Acquisition Certification for program and project managers
Explore training for acquisition program and project management professionals.
Interpretive Guidance for Project Manager Positions (PDF, 653 KB, 26 pages)
Find guidance for attracting, hiring, and retaining project managers.
Who is your website manager?
Establish accountability in federal website management.
The 18F Guide to Agile
Understand the 18F approach to the fundamentals of Agile.
Access current and past progress for improving federal government performance and accountability to the American public.
Product and project management events
USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023
USWDS Monthly Call - October 2023
Backlogs and why every website needs one
Product and project management news
Crafting quality content throughout its lifecycle
Learn about the life cycle of content, how content comes across to the user, and how to develop a content management strategy.
You’ve launched, now what? Planning for the future of your content
Creating quality digital content is not a one-time endeavor. Explore these approaches to managing and improving excellent digital content over time.
Tips for building a small, scrappy digital team
Explore hiring strategies, how to leverage contractors, and creative approaches for building your digital team.
Building a culture of customer experience across government
The Life Experience teams contain lessons for establishing a culture of customer experience in government, shifting to a focus on organizational practices.
How uses roadmapping to build trust with its partners and the public
To increase transparency, the team publishes a program roadmap that lays out their upcoming initiatives.
Resources on Product and project management
An introduction to the Digital Experience Council
The Digital Experience (DX) Council plays a critical role in coordinating governmentwide efforts and assisting agencies in delivering digital experiences that meet the public’s needs and expectations.
Requirements for improving the management of federal programs and projects
Learn how to implement the Program Management Improvement Accountability Act to deliver better websites and digital services.
- provides the public, agencies, members of Congress, academics, and the media a view into the progress underway to improve federal government performance and accountability to the American public.
TechFAR Hub
Understand how to buy, build, and deliver modern digital services while staying on the correct side of compliance with the TechFAR Hub.
Moving to .gov
If you’re moving to .gov from another top-level domain, like .com, .org, or .us, here are some best practices to help you plan that transition.
How to Build an Analytics Strategy
A case study using as an example of how to assess, report, and take action using web analytics as part of an analytics strategy.
Foundations of Agile, Part I
18F’s Alan Atlas and Alan Brouilette cover the fundamentals of Agile.
Foundations of Agile, Part II
18F’s Alan Atlas and Alan Brouilette cover the fundamentals of Agile.
U.S. Web Design System
A design system for the federal government that makes it easier to build accessible, mobile-friendly government websites for the American public.
Chief Information Officer (CIO) Handbook
This handbook aims to give CIOs important information needed to be a technology leader at their respective agency.
Tools and Services
We help government agencies fix technical problems, build products, and improve how government serves the public through technology.
Digital Dashboard
Measures how U.S. government domains are following best practices for federal websites.
Presidential Innovation Fellows
We help government agencies fix technical problems, build products, and improve how government serves the public through technology.
Guidance for federal agencies on IT accessibility compliance.
U.S. Digital Service
We deploy small, responsive groups of designers, engineers, product managers, and bureaucracy specialists to work with and empower civil servants.
Provides funding for new technology projects or products across government, from the TTS office of investments.
Digital Analytics Program
A free analytics tool for measuring digital services in the federal government.
DotGov Registry
We make it easy to register and manage a .gov domain for US-based government organizations.
The Federal Risk and Authorization Management (FedRAMP) is a process that authorizes cloud products and services.
An identity management service that provides secure and private online access to participating government programs.
More News and Events on Product and project management
96 posts
Crafting quality content throughout its lifecycle
Learn about the life cycle of content, how content comes across to the user, and how to develop a content management strategy.
You’ve launched, now what? Planning for the future of your content
Creating quality digital content is not a one-time endeavor. Explore these approaches to managing and improving excellent digital content over time.
Tips for building a small, scrappy digital team
Explore hiring strategies, how to leverage contractors, and creative approaches for building your digital team.
Building a culture of customer experience across government
The Life Experience teams contain lessons for establishing a culture of customer experience in government, shifting to a focus on organizational practices.
How uses roadmapping to build trust with its partners and the public
To increase transparency, the team publishes a program roadmap that lays out their upcoming initiatives.
Reassessing priorities: Adapting to additional work without additional resources
The Office of Natural Resources Revenue’s Open Data, Design, and Development (ODD) team is taking on management of a fourth website, despite being short-staffed. As a result, they have revisited and reprioritized their yearly goals. To do so, they utilized a prioritization matrix, developed a structured impact assessment, and laid out a transition plan. Their process ensured realistic workload adjustments, improved team morale, and highlighted the importance of practical goal-setting, especially when teams are short-staffed.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue

Evaluating your agency’s accessibility just got a whole lot easier with GSA’s OpenACR Editor
To help agencies evaluate the accessibility of their digital products, GSA is making it easier to create Accessibility Conformance Reports through its new OpenACR Editor.
Meet your Digital Experience Council
The Digital Experience Council plays a critical role in coordinating governmentwide efforts and assisting agencies in delivering digital experiences that meet the public’s needs and expectations.
18F practices in action (spoiler: this stuff works)
How well do 18F software development practices work? The 18F team reflected on a recent project for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) .gov registry to gauge the effectiveness of six recommendations aligned with what they actually did.— via 18F

18F at ten
We’re celebrating all the ways we continue to realize our founding vision: bringing technologists into government, launching shared digital services, and helping partner agencies build user-centered technology.— via 18F

Spring 2024 Community Summit
Optimizing the federal digital experience: aligning content governance, coordination, and database development
This blog post dives into the details of building a dynamic content database and audit for Learn how effective subject matter expert (SME) coordination, strategic content planning, and application of visualization tools contribute to enhancing content governance and user experience on a federal website.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue

In 2023, TTS stepped up to meet growing technology demands for government
GSA’s Technology Transformation Services (TTS) celebrated major milestones and met growing demand for its services in 2023. This wrap-up summaries key successes in five areas: improving customer experience, modernizing federal technology, innovating for the future, focus on equity and accessibility, and building the technology workforce of tomorrow.— via General Services Administration

Amplifying customer voices
Understand how to use natural language processing and advanced analytics to gain insights on high-impact service performance and survey design.
Delivering on 21st Century IDEA: A case study from the GSA SmartPay team (Part 3)
A GSA SmartPay product owner shares her experience designing user-centered, accessible content for multiple audiences.
Delivering on 21st Century IDEA: A case study from the GSA SmartPay team (Part 2)
A GSA SmartPay product owner shares his experiences as a first-time product owner in a government agile development project.
Delivering on 21st Century IDEA: A case study from the GSA SmartPay team (Part 1)
The GSA SmartPay program, the largest government charge card and commercial payment solutions program in the world, celebrated their 25th anniversary by launching three new websites with a user-centered, agile approach.
USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023
Defining benchmarks and targets for intranet KPIs
Discover the keys to intranet success by harmonizing objectives, metrics, benchmarks, and targets. Elevate your organization’s intranet to new heights!