FedRAMP & DAP Case Study Part 2: Reporting and Decision-Making

See how the FedRAMP team assessed their analytics objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) prior to the launch of their redesigned site,

Wednesday, September 01, 2021 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Hosted by and the Digital Analytics Program (DAP)

In the second part of our Analytics Case Study series, we’ll address how to report and conduct analysis through the lens of your analytics strategy. We’ll be using both the Digital AnalyticsProgram (DAP) analytics account as well as FedRAMP’s team-managed analytics account to illustrate essential concepts.

The goal of this webinar is to empower you with a real-world example about how to tie your metrics to your website mission, goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs). We will be joined by members of the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) team to hear their thoughts on their analytics strategy, pulling reporting, and how they plan to use the data to make future decisions about their site,

View the slides (PowerPoint presentation, 1.08 MB, 41 slides)


  • Tim Lowden — Program Manager, Digital Analytics Program (DAP)
  • Betsy Steele — FedRAMP Education and Outreach
  • Freddie Blicher — Program Analyst, Digital Analytics Program (DAP)
  • Matt Silber — Program Support, FedRAMP PMO (Contractor)

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) offers a web analytics tool, training, and support to federal agencies. The program is a shared service provided by the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) at the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Have a question for the DAP team? Send an email to