User experience

User experience involves every interaction a user has with an agency.

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In this workshop, we’ll address how to assess your web analytics strategy to ensure you’re pulling the most impactful and relevant data to enrich your analysis and understanding of your website performance.
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When’s the best time to tweet? @USAGovEspanol experiments with Twitter

When’s the best time to tweet? @USAGovEspanol experiments with Twitter—A good following on social media is fundamental to USAGov’s goal of getting clear and helpful government information to Spanish speakers around the country. To make sure we’re reaching the right people at the right time with valuable content, our team began to rethink our USAGov en Español Twitter strategy.— via

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Jul 22, 2020
DAP Learning Series

Shifting Your Metrics Mindset

In this session, we’ll discuss the classic suite of “marketing metrics” vs what’s more important to us in government “content-based metrics”.
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"Diga o marque 2": USAGov en Español’s New Approach to Interactive Voice Response

"Diga o marque 2": USAGov en Español’s New Approach to Interactive Voice Response—USAGov receives and responds to questions directly from the public in many ways: through social media, on page surveys on and USAGov en Español, and through chats and calls. One powerful tool in the USAGov toolbelt is our interactive voice response (IVR) system in both English and Spanish through the USAGov Contact Center.— via

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Jun 23, 2020