A/B Testing

How To Navigate Challenges To Successfully A/B Test Your Emails

How do you understand what resonates with users when sending out an email? Answer: A/B test it and find out!

Monday, January 11, 2021 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM ET

Hosted by Digital.gov and the A/B Testing Community of Practice

A/B Testing is a great way to get to know your audience and improve the quality of your email content, but it can be hard to do it effectively. In this talk, Erica Kritt will go over some strategies to provide a better user experience for your customers and bring A/B testing into your email program. There will be time left to brainstorm potential solutions you might be facing with A/B testing.


Erica Kritt is an outreach and engagement specialist at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). She works to coordinate the Bureau’s email program and create engaging content that helps people take the next step on their financial journey.

This talk is hosted by the A/B Testing Community of Practice and Digital.gov. The A/B Testing CoP believes that A/B testing is the core to a continuous optimization strategy for delivering the best customer experiences by iteratively improving customer interactions. Our goal is to encourage data-driven decisions and foster a community to share best practices, tips, and support.