Latest content by Andrea Sigritz
Appendix I to OMB Circular No. A-130 Federal Agency Responsibilities for Maintaining Records About Individuals
Guidance for Agency Use of Third-Party Websites and Applications
Guidance on President’s Management Agenda Scorecard Meetings
Executive Order 13571 — Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service
M-11-24 Implementing Executive Order 13571 on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service
How UX Effects Change in Government—One Test, One Customer Survey at a Time
Over the past few years, many agencies have learned how to do user experience (UX) with few resources. And while that’s still a problem at many agencies, many UX initiatives have been gaining momentum and attracting new stakeholders.
M-10-22 Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies
M-11-26 New Fast-Track Process for Collecting Service Delivery Feedback Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
2012 Digital Government Strategy
E-Gov Act of 2002
Monthly Theme: Learning to Ride the Metrics Wave
We are awash in data. Data in our personal lives gives us information on everything from our nightly sleeping patterns to how many of our friends shared our latest quip on social media. So too in our professional world, where we can see the most popular devices people use to navigate our websites and are told
DigitalGov Summit Recap: No Longer the Team of No
During a panel discussion at the second annual DigitalGov Citizen Services Summit, a group of self-proclaimed naysayers came together to dispel myths and share advice to help everyone work together.
DigitalGov Summit Recap: Building Privacy & Identity Management in the Open
How can government protect citizens while delivering the services they demand in the modern age? This was a theme of the panel discussion on privacy and identity management at the 2015 DigitalGov Citizen Services Summit.
DigitalGov Summit Recap: Leveraging Open Analytics
While government agencies may not have big budgets for data analysis, we do have tons of data—survey data, usability data, campaign data—that should be leveraged to drive decisions.
Monthly Theme: At Your Service
In this digital age, we know customers expect their government interactions to be on the same level as their interactions with the private sector. Agencies are always striving to improve the quality of their services to meet their customers’ needs. So too in our office, where we use the feedback, you, our agency customers, provide
A February Focus on Content on DigitalGov
Good content drives your digital presence. No matter what you produce content for - social media, websites, blogs - getting people to see your work is critical. But getting noticed is not as easy as it used to be.
Trend Watch 2015: What’s in the Forecast for Digital Government?
In January on DigitalGov, we’ll highlight pieces looking at trends we see coming in the digital government space in 2015 and beyond. We have lined up articles around: Customer Service Data 3D Printing at NIH and NASA Accessibility Mobile, and Training. Check back Monday, when we kick-off the month with 15 Government Customer Service Trends.
Countdown to 2015 with Our Most Popular Articles This Year
As we round out 2014, we’re reflecting on the exciting year we’ve had at DigitalGov since we launched in February. Our mission is to share information and resources from agencies across the federal government that are working in the digital space, and highlight the services and communities that can help you meet your digital government