A February Focus on Content on DigitalGov

Feb 12, 2015

Good content drives your digital presence. No matter what you produce content for — social media, websites, blogs — getting people to see your work is critical. But getting noticed is not as easy as it used to be. A recent Vox article on the future of blogging talked about this problem:

“The incentives of the social Web make it a threat to the conversational Web. The need to create content that ‘travels’ is at war with the fact that great work often needs to be rooted in a particular place and context—a place and context that the reader and the author already share.”

But, there are things you can do to help your work stand out. In February on DigitalGov, we’ll be looking at content from a variety of angles: content strategy, the long tail, the importance of links, and website redesigns of Ed.gov and ForeignAssistance.gov.

This month we’re also welcoming our new contributor, Ty Manuel, from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, who will be writing on content trends in a regular column called “The Content Corner.” He’s already gotten off to a great start with his piece on Content Pillars.

Check back later this week and the rest of the month to read these pieces: