Why I Love My Agile Team!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET

Hosted by Digital.gov and the DevOps Community of Practice

an image from the video

In this talk, you will hear how the Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) Agile team works from the point of view of an internal customer. We will take you through:

  • the makeup of the team and who has been involved,
  • what the team have achieved in the first two years,
  • how they have created tools to consume and quality assurance (QA) data from external suppliers,
  • how they are using Agile to create an open source cloud based base map service, and
  • what their DevOps future might look like.


Karl Baker is the Senior Digital Cartographer at Land Information NZ, where he is part of the leadership team that maintains the New Zealand Government’s Topographic Mapping products and services. He is currently one of the leads, within an Agile team, which are looking to replace their entire legacy mapping system, end to end. Karl started his career, at the predecessor of LINZ, when all their paper based information was converted into digital processes and data. Over the years in between, he worked at the New Zealand Fire Service and within commercial Geospatial Consulting organisations. One particular highlight was working with the geospatial components of the current NZ Police “OnDuty” application.

This talk is hosted by the DevOp Community and Digital.gov.