U.S. Web Design System: May Monthly Call
Thursday, May 23, 2019 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM ET
Hosted by Digital.gov and the USWDS
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The General Services Administration’s Technology Transformation Services launched U.S. Web Design System 2.0 on April 8, 2019, and there’s a lot that’s changed from v1 to version v2.
Please join Dan Williams from the USWDS team as he walks through the updates and improvements in USWDS 2.0, and takes your questions.

USWDS is a library of code, tools, and guidance to help government teams design and build fast, accessible, mobile-friendly government websites backed by user research and modern best practices. USWDS 2.0 is an important update to the design system — it introduces a powerful toolkit of new features to help make creating useful, consistent digital services faster, simpler, and more fun.
In addition, USWDS 2.0 ships with Public Sans — a free, open source typeface that’s simple, neutral, and isn’t Helvetica. Public Sans is an open source, free license typeface (SIL Open Font License 1.1) designed and maintained by USWDS, adapted from Libre Franklin.
This event will be held over Zoom (see the Zoom computer and device requirements, and FAQs). You can download Zoom Client for Meetings to install the Zoom web browser client beforehand.