Funding the Future: Technology Modernization Fund Proposal Workshop
Friday, June 08, 2018 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET

GSA’s Emerging Citizen Technology Office (ECTO) and the Technology Modernization Fund Program Management Office (TMF PMO) are hosting an online workshop at GSA on June 8, 2018 to hands-on assist agencies with developing proposals for TMF that advance emerging technologies and programs that can improve our services and reduce costs for the American people today and in the coming years.
Emerging technology solutions employed by agencies across government, combined with the operational rigor and funding of the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF), hold the potential to drive to incredible performance enhancements in public services.
The online workshop includes both open information and guidance for anyone from TMF experts as well as individual consultation with participating federal agency teams to answer specific questions on ideas and proposals.
For more information, please email with “#TMF” in the subject line.
What is the Technology Modernization Fund?
The TMF provides a new funding model for Federal technology modernization projects. Agencies may submit project proposals for technology modernization projects to the Technology Modernization Board (Board). For FY 2018, the Board received $100 million for upfront funding for projects. Approved projects will receive funds in an incremental manner, tied to specific project milestones and objectives, and will be regularly monitored by the Board for success. Agencies then repay the TMF over a period of years.
What projects qualify for the Technology Modernization Fund?
The Board will consider project proposals based on financial, technical, and operational criteria. All federal government agencies can submit project proposals to the TMF. A full list of requirements for submission, as well as a template, can be found in Appendix A of OMB M-18-12. A word document template can also be found on the OMB Modernizing Government Technology site.
What to Expect
Participants should expect to come with basic ideas for programs they would like to potentially submit to the Technology Modernization Fund process, benefit from presentations and guidance from TMF experts, and federal agencies may request a personalized, individual consultation during the workshop with the TMF PMO, ECTO and others to answer specific questions and help craft proposals that deliver the greatest benefit to our modernization efforts while meeting the technical standards of the fund process.
- Welcome and introduction (livestreamed)
- Justin Herman, ECTO and Elizabeth Cain, TMF PMO
- Technology Modernization Fund deep-dive discussion and Q&A (livestreamed)
- Elizabeth Cain and Emma Perron, TMF PMO
- Development time with individual, personalized consultations for federal teams (remote participation)
Who Should Attend
Great ideas for modernizing our public services should come from anywhere, whether civilian agencies, the Defense Community or the Intelligence Community, whether federal managers or their support teams and innovative businesses. Projects for the Technology Modernization Fund can be both Classified and Unclassified, and can include the widest spectrum of capabilities, technologies and approaches. All are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
Anyone can sign up for the livestream information phase of this online workshop. For the developmental phase, after registering federal teams will receive instructions for scheduling their individual consultations with TMF experts.
We also encourage the assembly of diverse stakeholder teams sponsored by a federal agency and include either federal employees or contractors working in an official capacity for their agency.
Registrants will be asked to identify their agency Point of Contact and briefly outline their concepts in order to help us prepare to support their needs and answer questions.