DigitalGov Podcast: DAP Delivers Data for 4,000 Websites

You cannot improve your digital outreach without data. Since 2012, the Digital Analytics Program (DAP) has provided agencies the critical information and metrics that they need to make their public-facing websites better. The buzz around DAP has grown with the release of the Digital Analytics Dashboard, which provides a real-time glimpse into government Web traffic, and Pulse, a dashboard showing the percentage of agencies that have implemented DAP. Both dashboards rely on DAP data to inform the public about government Web activities.
How did the program reach this point, where 4,000 websites have implemented DAP, and why does it matter?
For our second DigitalGov podcast, we spoke with Marina Fox, Manager of DAP, and Tim Lowden, an analyst on the DAP team. They discuss the history of DAP, the surprises that have come up during the DAP journey, their future plans, and how the Dashboard revealed a recent surge of interest in moonquakes.
To listen to the podcast offline, download the .mp3 file (13 MB). You can also download and read the transcript (Word document, 21 KB,5 pages).Author’s note: At the time of podcast recording, DAP was implemented on 3,800 websites. DAP is now on more than 4,000 websites.