New NIH Clinical Trials Media Player Now Available
Spread the Word about Clinical Trials!
As we have recently seen with the Ebola outbreak, clinical trials are immensely important to medical advancement and treatment. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has developed a new syndication tool to disseminate NIH Clinical Trials information. This effort will help recruit, educate and promote the efforts of NIH Clinical Trials. The content of the media player displays basic information on clinical trials, related videos and how to find a clinical trial to participate in.
The media player can be added to your website by simply adding the code below to a Web page’s HTML code.
This code can be acquired also by clicking the “embed” icon in the media viewer. You as the content owner control the size of the player on your site.

Some examples of this tool in use can be found at the following URLs:

Adding the media player to your website is easy and it is free. The content meets federal guidelines and standards. Additionally the content is updated regularly without you having to do anything.
Help us promote the great work NIH is doing. Add this great tool to your websites and please share the availability of this resource with your stakeholders.
For questions or support about this tool, please email Christen Geiler.