Trends on Tuesday: Maximizing Your Mobile Moments

Jul 1, 2014

The rise of mobile device ownership is rapidly changing the way we, and our stakeholders, interact with organizations and information. From local weather to the status of our train, we look to our smartphones to not only provide the answers, but anticipate our questions. Forrester refers to this behavior as the mobile moment—a point in time and space when someone pulls out a mobile device to get what he or she wants immediately, in context. Here are five examples the infographic states are successfully providing information and services in a mobile moment:

  • The Awareness Moment: Krispy Kreme sales went up in double digits by alerting app users when hot doughnuts are nearby.
  • The Selling Moment: Independent resellers of Trane’s air conditioners are closing sales rate rose 85% through a tablet app that quotes systems for homeowners.
  • The Workforce Moment: Evernote and Dropbox have capitalized on the fact that 53% of information workers spend their own money on technology for work, including apps.
  • The Product Moment: 95% of Nesting Learning Thermostat owners use a mobile device to tweak settings when they are away from home—making it a top seller.
  • The Loyalty Moment: Mobile interactions with Starbucks doubled to 4 million per week thanks to text messages, mobile payments and song downloads.

If you’re wondering whether or not your agency’s mobile application is designed to meet stakeholder needs, ask yourself, “What can we provide users in a mobile moment?” My fellow blogger Gwynne gave a perfect example of how The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has succeeded in doing this through National Weather Service alerts. The more your agency understands the journey that mobile users take through your information and services, the better you will be able to translate those behaviors into mobile application designs that fulfill their needs—in a mobile moment.

Learn more about how your agency can create a successful Mobile Application Development Program.