Search Is the New Big Data Recap

Search is easy, right? You type a term in a search box and the exact page you’re looking for appears at the top of the list of results. But search is hard and has many shades of grey.
On April 10, 2014, Loren Siebert, our DigitalGov Search senior search architect, presented on:
- Complexities of recall and precision,
- Popular open source search technologies, and
- “Search magic” like stemming, synonyms, fuzziness, and stopwords.
Download the slide deck (PDF, 1.5 MB, 23 pages) and visit the resources below to learn more.
- Download or learn about Elasticsearch, Solr, and Lucene.
- Download the Snowball stemmer, or learn about other stemmers.
- Read how synonyms are handled in Lucene.
- Download or use WordNet online.
- Connect with the American Society for Indexing’s Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies Special Interest Group, SLA Taxonomy Division, or Taxonomy Tuesdays (email Nikkia Anderson, co-chair).
- Contribute to our Jobs API, which allows anyone to tap into a list of current jobs openings with federal, state, and local government agencies.