EPA Mobile Projects Update

Apr 17, 2014

Screenshot from a smart phone of the E P A dot gov mobile website
Earth Day is next week, so today instead of featuring one mobile product like we do every Thursday, we’re highlighting how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is tackling mobile to help empower citizen environmental decisions.

Currently, you can access EPA’s mobile website, a number of EPA apps, and the agency has a dedicated team working on mobile product decisions. Last month, EPA reported on the status of current mobile projects. Here are some highlights:

Human Health Advisories: EPA is leveraging technology to push human health advisories via mobile phone apps, providing the public with location-based information to help them take action. The project is cross-agency. One example being developed is the EPA Saves Your Skin mobile phone app, providing ZIP code-based UV index information to help the public take action to protect their skin. Another example of a mobile app is the Air Quality Index (AQI) which feeds air quality information based on zip code.

Green Product Information: This is an agency-wide strategy to provide a one-stop source of information to consumers to help them consider the impacts of products when making purchases (e.g., energy efficiency, water conservation, chemical exposure, sustainable design). In response to public input during the development of this plan, EPA is developing an Internet portal that consolidates the various agency product information websites into one website. Future efforts may include ways to deliver such information through mobile channels, either by EPA providing data that others can incorporate into mobile applications, or direct EPA effort such as text messages or Smartphone applications.

If you want to participate in EPA’s mobile product efforts, the full post has information on how to get involved.

The full selection of government mobile products can be downloaded 24/7 by visiting the USA.gov Apps Gallery.