Battle Royale: Mobile Web Versus Mobile Apps
When agency folks gather together to talk about mobile gov, the number one question asked is, “Should we do a mobile app or a mobile web site?”
To help people with that question, we became fight promoters and sponsored
Mobile Web Vs. Mobile Apps

Photo by Stuart Barr, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0
Two champions debated this hot topic:
- Neil Bonner, from the Transportation Security Administration, is a proponent of mobile websites.
- Mike Pulsifer, Department of Labor, is a firm believer in the value of mobile apps.
View the debate (PDF, 5.4 MB, 32 pages) and come away with the RIGHT answer for your agency.
- Learn the pros and cons of mobile apps and mobile websites
- Identify which is better to meet your needs
- Review best practices for each