
Learn about how to acquire supplies and services.

Federal acquisition is governed by a complex web of laws, regulations, and policies. It can lead to the selection of qualified vendors who deliver the best value for the government and the public — reducing risk and wasteful spending, and improving outcomes for the public.

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Resources on Acquisition

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  • TechAcq

    IT acquisitions are at the heart of federal IT modernization efforts. They support agencies in delivering modern, digital services to the public more effectively and efficiently.

  • Federal Technology Investment Management

    We share best practices and lessons learned to improve IT cost transparency across government.

Acquisition events

Annual Gathering

Spring 2024 Community Summit

Digital service experts across the federal government will share case studies and best practices on delivering a digital-first public experience.

Acquisition news

GSA debuts new search tool to support Native governments and businesses

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) debuted a new search tool that enables buyers to search for Native business categories in GSA Advantage!, GSA eBuy, and GSA eLibrary for commercial products and services. Tribal governments are limited in their ability to generate traditional government revenues because of their unique federal status, and the income from Tribal businesses is an important source of development for these communities. This new feature will help Native businesses be visible in a diverse range of channels where they can sell products and services.— via General Services Administration

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Jul 05, 2023

More News and Events on Acquisition

16 posts

Annual Gathering

Spring 2024 Community Summit

Digital service experts across the federal government will share case studies and best practices on delivering a digital-first public experience.

GSA debuts new search tool to support Native governments and businesses

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) debuted a new search tool that enables buyers to search for Native business categories in GSA Advantage!, GSA eBuy, and GSA eLibrary for commercial products and services. Tribal governments are limited in their ability to generate traditional government revenues because of their unique federal status, and the income from Tribal businesses is an important source of development for these communities. This new feature will help Native businesses be visible in a diverse range of channels where they can sell products and services.— via General Services Administration

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Jul 05, 2023

C-SCRM Acquisition Community of Practice (ACoP) Interact Site

C-SCRM Acquisition Community of Practice (ACoP) Interact Site—Since the launch of the Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM) Acquisition Community of Practice (ACoP), GSA and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have been co-leading an effort to broaden the level of awareness and develop agency maturity in the areas of acquisitions, supply chain risk management, and cybersecurity across the federal government for information communication technology and services (ICTS). To increase C-SCRM awareness and adoption government-wide, the C-SCRM ACoP launched an online collaborative space for the federal government’s IT community and industry to share best practices, ideas, guidance, tools, and expertise needed to implement C-SCRM requirements. Working together as a community and sharing information will help us improve our cybersecurity posture across all levels of government.— via General Services Administration

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Jun 30, 2022
IT Modernization

Technology-boosting TMF Investments Deliver Benefits for the American Public

The Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) is working to transform the way the government uses technology to deliver for the American public in an equitable, secure and user-friendly way. It strategically invests in priority IT modernization projects that are aligned with the fast pace of changing technology and agency needs. Here are a few examples of how the TMF has invested in multiple projects that are helping many agencies deliver what people need when they need.

May 23, 2022

Improving Acquisition Governmentwide: IT and Professional Services

Improving Acquisition Governmentwide: IT and Professional Services—We are excited to share some updates about how our portfolios are collaborating to improve governmentwide services acquisition. This year we are taking our partnership a step further through a new focus area called the Services Marketplace. Information Technology Category (ITC) and Professional Services and Human Capital Categories (PSHC) are working together to align how we roll out new contracts and tools to support buyers and suppliers of services. See what’s new, what we’re working on, and our three primary goals.— via General Services Administration

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Feb 17, 2022

FAR Updated To Add Revised Section 508 Standards for Information and Communication Technology

FAR Updated To Add Revised Section 508 Standards for Information and Communication Technology—On January 18, 2017, the U.S. Access Board issued a final rule (the Revised 508 Standards) that updated accessibility requirements covered by Section 508 for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Read more about the final FAR rule update and changes effective as of September 10, 2021.— via

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Nov 02, 2021

A Federal Guide to De-risk Government Technology Projects

A Federal Guide to De-risk Government Technology Projects—Written for cross-functional teams delivering IT services to their users, the Federal Field Guide to De-risk Government Technology offers guidance to federal agencies on how to structure software development teams, write contracts, and oversee agile software activities to reduce risks and improve outcomes for end-users.— via 18F

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Sep 09, 2020