How to transition a team off of a project

A template for transitioning projects to another team

When bringing in a short-term project team, it’s important to formally transition them off the project, once their part of the project ends. This transition helps to prepare the long-term team for success.

Use this resource to serve as a hand-off document when a short-term project team is transitioning off of a project. You can modify the template to meet your team’s needs.

You can also use this resource to remind folks of project goals, provide links to all the deliverables over the course of the project, and outline the goals that both teams want in place before the short-term team transitions off. These goals can include things like having an empowered product owner in place, the ability to run a full agile sprint cycle without assistance, being able to get code from inception to production, and having redundancies in place, among other things.

You can also use this as a visioning tool by thinking about what success and failure might look like a year from now. This helps set the mindset that this work is a continuing process and will be ongoing.

Transition plan for [project name]

Dates: [start date - end date]
Teams: [long-term team] + [short-term project team]


Over the last [#] months, the [name of the short-term project team] team has partnered with [name of the long-term team] for [purpose from project proposal and a link to project proposal].

Together, we accomplished these deliverables [work done to date and outcome]:

  • Description of Activity 1 [link as appropriate]
  • Description of Activity 2 [link as appropriate]
  • Description of Deliverable [link as appropriate]


[copy from project proposal]

Scenarios and acceptance criteria

In the table below are some scenarios and acceptance criteria that both teams can use to define success and signal when it’s time for the [name of the short-term project team] team to roll off the project.

Priority and sequence Scenario Acceptance criteria Status