
Web analytics playbook

This guide provides actionable strategies for effectively using web analytics to improve federal websites and digital services.
Illustration of man pointing to business strategy on a website

Know what you’re looking for

Be sure to consistently measure against your predetermined metrics to see if you are on track.

Reading time: 1 minute

Although certain data sometimes stand out as surprising or odd, you need to consistently measure your predetermined success metrics to see if you are meeting your KPI targets.


  • Learn how to best track your success metrics and KPIs in your tool
  • Create necessary segments, filters, custom reports, or dashboards
  • Know what makes up both successes and failures based on your strategy
  • Break down your KPI metrics by location, technology, acquisition, etc. for greater insight

Key Questions:

  • What is the most reliable way to view our KPI metrics? Hint: it’s not always the easiest.
  • What audience segments make up the largest or smallest KPI increases or decreases? Is it driven by mobile users, or users from Georgia, or users referred from a newsletter?
  • Why do you think those segments contribute as they do? How can we test those assumptions?
  • How do we react, now that we are equipped with this information?