
Web analytics playbook

This guide provides actionable strategies for effectively using web analytics to improve federal websites and digital services.
Illustration of man pointing to business strategy on a website

Invest in training and support

Take the time and effort to ensure stakeholders can understand and use the data.

Reading time: 1 minute

Train team members to decipher the analytics data. It’s good for stakeholders to have direct access to data. It’s a nightmare when reports are misinterpreted or the same data are interpreted different ways because team members haven’t been trained. Take the time and effort to make sure stakeholders can come to reliable conclusions.


  • Create an internal training program or send stakeholders to external training
  • Beyond virtual or in-person training, document important aspects of using your analytics tool, and make that documentation widely available
  • Maintain that documentation
  • Help others in need; a small amount of time up front can help avoid headaches later
  • Provide a forum where stakeholders can ask questions and get them answered by other team members

Key Questions:

  • How can we make sure members of each team have been trained on this tool?
  • What methods can we use to encourage collaboration?
  • Where should someone go when they have questions?
  • What should our onboarding process look like for new users?