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RPA Playbook

The RPA Playbook provides detailed guidance for federal agencies starting a new RPA program or evolving an existing one.

Reading time: 2 minutes

RPA Playbook

Written by the RPA CoP, the RPA playbook provides detailed, accessible guidance for federal agencies starting a new RPA program or evolving an existing program.

Download the RPA Playbook (v1.1) (PDF, 1.6 MB, 70 pages)

At a Glance

To serve as a guiding reference tool for federal agencies, the playbook covers both program management and technology management strategies for RPA programs at all levels. Readers can expect to find guidance for:

  • RPA Fundamentals — What is RPA, the RPA CoP and its mission, Benefits of RPA, How to get started with RPA
  • RPA Capability Areas
    • RPA Program Technology

      • Technology Infrastructure — Selecting, building, operating, and maintaining a secure and scalable IT platform for development, testing, and production.
      • Security Policy — Designing streamlined security/ATO processes to deploy automations safely and rapidly.
      • Credentialing Policy — Designing compliant credentialing processes aligning with RPA program resourcing and technology strategies.
      • Privacy Policy — Developing processes to meet relevant federal privacy and ethics standards for RPA deployment.
    • RPA Program Management

      • Operating Model — Establishing an effective oversight and management framework to foster cross-agency collaboration and accountability.
      • RPA Program Design — Designing an RPA program structure to meet established throughput goals and deployment strategy.
      • Management Reporting and Business Value — Creating operational metrics, strategies, and business-case models to drive common measurement and impact analysis.
      • Process Selection, Assessment, and Improvement — Identifying and assessing processes for automation that maximize the value of RPA within an agency. Using RPA effectively for broad process improvement within an agency.
      • HR Planning and Impacts — Drafting HR processes and guidance to address the impacts of RPA—including employee reskilling, redeployment, and satisfaction.
      • Operations Management — Defining processes for developing automations, scheduling automations, facilitating capacity management, license management, and monitoring and fixing errors.