DAP Learning Series: Using the Search Console

Thursday, June 07, 2018 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Hosted by Digital.gov and the Digital Analytics Program

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) Learning Series is designed to increase your skills and understanding of DAP’s implementation of Google Analytics in the government.

Google Search Console (GSC) provides a wealth of information on your site’s health. We’ve tangentially presented on GSC in the past and during this session we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of integrating Google Search Console with your independently managed Google Analytics account.

You’ll learn:

  • What is Google Search Console
  • Why you can’t integrate GSC with DAP
  • How to integrate GSC with your independent GA implementation and creating reporting
  • Walk through of most useful site health features

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) offers advanced, easy web analytics to federal agencies. DAP is run by the Office of Products and Programs in the GSA.