DigitalGov Podcast: Bridging Content and Discovery Through DigitalGov Search

Oct 30, 2015

You can find cute kitten photos online, but you can’t find Ben Franklin’s jetpack (well, you can search for it, but you won’t find it!).

For government agencies, connecting users to information is a critical part of meeting the public’s needs and delivering excellent customer service. DigitalGov Search helps agencies deliver information to government searchers on every level—federal, state, local, and tribal.

Dawn McCleskey, DigitalGov Search

Recently, search analyst Dawn McCleskey sat down to discuss the work of DigitalGov Search, including:

  • What DigitalGov Search does
  • How working with search is a natural fit for librarians
  • Why the government needs a homegrown search service
  • The challenges of managing a search service for 2,500 websites
  • Future directions for DigitalGov Search
  • Why you can’t find everything online (like searching for Ben Franklin’s jet pack!)

To listen to the podcast offline, download the .mp3 file. You can also download and read the transcript (Word document, 9 KB, 4 pages).

To learn more about DigitalGov Search’s multilingual efforts, check out the recent article: Search, Buscar, Поиск, جستجو, Cari: Creating a Good, Multilingual Search Experience.

Just getting started with search? Register for November’s DigitalGov Search Basics webinar.