Trends on Tuesday: Mobile App Pop Quiz

Oct 14, 2014

Advertisement for CDC's Solve the Outbreak App
It’s time for a mobile pop quiz. How well do you know consumers and the time they spend on mobile apps? ComScore recently released the U.S. Mobile App Report which sheds light on how Americans use mobile apps. Test your knowledge with the five questions and answers below:

Who is spending the most time in mobile apps?

  • Millennials (18 to 34 year olds) spend more than 73 hours a month on mobile apps.

What are the most used apps overall?

  • Apps produced by large media brands account for nine of the top 10 most used apps with Facebook in the number one spot.

Where are people spending time on mobile?

  • About 7 out of every 8 minutes on mobile are driven by app usage (especially your favorite ones).

When are people using apps?

  • Nearly every day; almost 80% of smartphone users access apps at least 26 days per month.

Why are people spending time in apps?

  • To communicate and be entertained, with social networking, games and radio contributing to nearly 50% of total time on apps.

So, how did you do? Every agency should take this test before investing time and money into mobile applications. By understanding where and how your target audiences are spending their time on mobile, you can develop an app that best meets their needs.

The U.S. Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are great examples of how agencies are putting these questions and answers to use. Their apps, Pop Quiz and Solve the Outbreak use games to connect hard-to-reach audiences with information they should know.

For more information on developing mobile products for the public, check out DigitalGov’s Mobile Application Development Program.