Help OPM Use SocialGov to Reinvent Fed Recruitment and Recognition

Aug 29, 2014

Here at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, we recently announced two exciting new government-wide working group teams with the mission of helping us use social media in ways we haven’t explored before. We’re hoping to recruit federal employees who are eager to dive in and help us tackle two important topics: employee recognition and recruitment and hiring.

The first team will work on building a government-wide digital recognition program. The team will continue efforts led by #SocialGov community members earlier this year in which hurdles were identified and initial solutions were conceived. This team will take what came out of that group and begin finding ways to implement some of its suggestions as well as build off of them for bigger and better solutions. We’re looking for leaders from across government to join us so that we can find the most dynamic and engaging solutions to publicly recognizing employees at every agency through social media.

The second team will explore how government agencies are using social media to recruit and hire. Together, the group will identify baseline metrics, review case studies, and build out a tool kit to help federal hiring managers maximize their recruitment efforts online. They will also begin building a community of learning to make sure that tools and practices are continually updated.

We need the most creative and hardworking among you to join us in jumping in and buckling down. These efforts will change how we use social media across government to both recruit and honor federal employees—two crucial missions.

If you’re interested in either the Recognition or the Recruitment and Hiring teams, be sure to sign up by Friday, September 5. Work will begin in early September. Both in-person and virtual members are welcome. Questions? Email

Mark Anthony is the Social Media Director and** Jennifer Dorsey** is a public affairs specialist_ at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)._