The Official U.S. Navy App: Powered by API
Now this armed force is bringing it—the latest news, video, photos, multimedia, special events and more—to sailors and their families through a slick new app that effortlessly crosses borders and software platforms.
The official U.S. Navy app curates content from a variety of Navy assets and offers users a mobile experience that includes:
- Breaking news and photos from ships and submarines;
- Customizable visual themes, video playlists and photo galleries;
- An interactive map that helps you easily locate Navy bases and museums;
- Essential workforce/benefits information and alerts; and
- A calendar of special events, exams and other critical Navy dates to save.
So, what’s the magic behind a “constantly updating” app that works on phones and tablets from iOS to Android to Windows 8 and Chromebook? A powerful application programming interface or API that distributes content from across the Navy and enables users of varying devices to create their own highly individualized mobile experience. Users can decide what they want to access and how they want to access it via a variety of tools.
If you’re active or former Navy, this app will seamlessly connect you to a proud, vibrant community you know well. For the rest, the engaging app might make you wish you were!