DevOps Community Monthly Meeting: DevOps for the Decennial Census

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET

Hosted by and the DevOps CoP

In this month’s community meeting, we will hear from a [Census] ( team that is brand new to DevOps—failing fast and often, but learning lessons as they undergo a cultural transformation.

Hear a brief overview of a previous Census Agile IT project called BARCA, as well as a current IT project called JAGUAR. In JAGUAR, the hope is for relevant stakeholders to gradually have and use a more DevOps-centric culture.

Graham Bagget has worked at the Census Bureau for the past 15 years, first as a GIS software developer, and currently as an IT Manager. He began his career helping Census transition from a legacy GIS topological database into the Master Address File/Toplogically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database. He participated in the design, development, and maintenance of several MAF/TIGER-based applications, including the Geographic Acquis-based Topological Real-time Editing System (GATRES) and the Block Assessment, Research, and Classification Application (BARCA), which was demonstrated at this year’s ESRI User Conference.

DevOps is a set of software development practices that combine software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops) to 1) shorten the systems-development life cycle, while 2) delivering features, fixes, and updates that align with an organization’s goals and objectives.

DevOps is as much about culture as it is about the process. Initiatives can create challenging but important cultural change enterprise-wide that transforms how developers, operations, and software testers collaborate during development, delivery, and management processes.

The DevOps Community

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