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Brian Fox


Latest Content by Brian Fox

Join us as we meet with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) who is utilizing an agile approach to assist in further updating their topographical information and data.
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Four Challenges of Adopting Team Structures (And How Leaders Can Mitigate Them)

If you’re considering “going agile,” one of the critical components of such a transformation will be adopting team structures. In your current, pre-teaming state, your developers are probably working by themselves, and may be engaging directly with stakeholders. Agile will place your developers into teams. Teaming is important, as it will enable your development staff

Jun 15, 2017

Improving Stakeholder Collaboration Can Improve Software Development Performance

It’s important for software development organizations to make it as easy as possible to enable improved stakeholder behavior. Development stakeholders can include business development representatives, product managers, and senior project managers, and they are typically carrying the weight of the organization’s mission. They are concerned about the organization’s goals, and are usually focused on ensuring

Apr 17, 2017

Latest Content by Brian Fox

Join us as we meet with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) who is utilizing an agile approach to assist in further updating their topographical information and data.
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