How’s My Waterway?: A Mobile Optimized Site from the EPA

Aug 22, 2013

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has upgraded its ‘How’s My Waterway?’ website into a responsive design website, meaning it is available on any screen size: desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Now anytime, anywhere, the public will be able to check the condition of their local waterways.

The site uses geolocation to determine the closest waterways to the user. Then, using the EPA’s database of “State water quality monitoring reports provided under the Clean Water Act,” the site provides information on the local waterways’ pollution status (unpolluted vs polluted), type (including acidity, PCBs, pesticides, etc.), as well as what is being done. In addition, the site also provides a visual map of the user’s specific region, color coding polluted waters and unpolluted waters.
You can view other products like ‘How’s My Waterway?’ on the Apps Gallery.