Trends on Tuesday: Top Smartphones on the Market

Jul 9, 2013

ComScore recently released key trends in the United States’ smartphone industry for three months (February-May) with Apple ranked as the top smartphone manufacturer and Android as the top smartphone platform. During the three months, 141 million people owned smartphones.

Top Smartphone Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)

  • Apple – 39.2%
  • Samsung – 23.0%
  • HTC – 8.7%
  • Motorola – 7.8%
  • LG – 6.7%

Top Smartphone Platforms

  • Android – 52.4%
  • Apple – 39.2%
  • Blackberry – 4.8%
  • Microsoft – 3.0%
  • Symbian – 0.4%

Government mobile strategists keep up with the trends regarding the growth in mobile usage and devices in order to keep citizens engaged on the devices they use.