Tell Compelling Stories with Data Visualization

Oct 22, 2010

No information is more critical to your work than the numbers that reveal what’s happening, how you’re performing, and opportunities to do better.

GovTech provides ten tips for getting the most from your data visualizations.

The tips include:

  • Use layers to tell a story
  • Involve users in the design
  • Be aware of multiple platforms
  • Use style to tell a story

In government services, the challenge merely begins with collecting vital data. Next, you work to make sense of it. Followed by sharing it with others, accurately and clearly.

Information design expert and Yale professor Edward Tufte wrote,

“Clutter and confusion are not attributes of information; they are failures of design.”

Watch the on-demand event with presenter Stephen Few. Stephen is a principal with Perceptual Edge and presents simple skills and common mistakes you should avoid when “telling stories” using data visualization (PDF, 3.5 MB, 49 pages).