Short URLs have become an essential part of social media communications. They make it easy to share long links with your audience and let you track clicks on your links. Unfortunately, short URLs can create a poor user experience. A short URL could take a user to a trustworthy site or a spam site, but a user would have no way of knowing before he or she clicks. That’s why USA.gov has made it easy for people to create short, trustworthy .gov URLs that only point to official U.S. government information.
Go.USA.gov is a URL shortener that lets anyone with a government email address create short, trustworthy .gov URLs. Go.USA.gov only shortens government URLs—that is: .mil, .gov, .fed.us, .si.edu, and .state.xx.us URLs. You must have a verifiable U.S. federal, tribal, state, or local government email address to register for a Go.USA.gov account. Visit Go.USA.gov to sign up now. Using Go.USA.gov is easy: Just sign in, copy and paste the government URL and click shorten. Over 12,000 government employees already use Go.USA.gov and have shortened more than 340,000 URLs.
Quick Facts
- The public can click on Go.USA.gov URLs knowing they will lead to official U.S. government information.
- Go.USA.gov tracks the number of clicks each shortened URL receives, allowing users to measure the impact of their outreach.
- Go.USA.gov is open source and was developed in Drupal. If you would like to contribute to future enhancements, please contact us.
If you have questions about USA.gov short URLs, please send us an e–mail.