
New ideas and methods for improving federal programs and services

Technology is always evolving. Exploring the latest developments and trends in digital service delivery helps practitioners find new ways to create outstanding digital experiences for users.

Open data policy (Memo M-13-13)

Open data policy (Memo M-13-13)

Innovation: Essential knowledge

Innovation events

Celebrating OSTP’s biennial report to Congress on Implementation of Federal Prizes and Citizen Science Authority, Fiscal Years 2019 - 2020, and the role of community partnerships in the federal open innovation landscape.

Innovation news

18F’s year of launches

Over the past year, 18F has helped partner agencies launch innovative software products to improve the public’s experience with the federal government. From helping simplify domain requests to working with to develop a new public benefits texting service, the six projects featured here focus on putting their users first. Learn more about how these launches emphasize the importance of user research and strong partnerships in delivering better government services.— via 18F

18f logo
Oct 08, 2024

Reassessing priorities: Adapting to additional work without additional resources

The Office of Natural Resources Revenue’s Open Data, Design, and Development (ODD) team is taking on management of a fourth website, despite being short-staffed. As a result, they have revisited and reprioritized their yearly goals. To do so, they utilized a prioritization matrix, developed a structured impact assessment, and laid out a transition plan. Their process ensured realistic workload adjustments, improved team morale, and highlighted the importance of practical goal-setting, especially when teams are short-staffed.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue

doi-revenuedata logo
Jul 23, 2024

18F’s engineering craft practices at 10

18F recently celebrated its 10th anniversary by renewing its commitment to refining and sharing best practices through regular publications, tech talks, and updates to The 18F Engineering Guide. They also instructed a permanent principal consulting engineer role to enhance digital service delivery and support skill development within the organization.— via 18F

18f logo
Jul 09, 2024

18F’s engineering craft practices at 10

18F recently celebrated its 10th anniversary by renewing its commitment to refining and sharing best practices through regular publications, tech talks, and updates to the 18F Engineering Guide. They also created a permanent principal consulting engineer role to enhance digital service delivery and support skill development within the organization.— via 18F

18f logo
Jul 09, 2024

Tools and Services


    Provides resources and collaborative opportunities to facilitate the use of prize competitions in government.

More News and Events on Innovation

38 posts

18F’s year of launches

Over the past year, 18F has helped partner agencies launch innovative software products to improve the public’s experience with the federal government. From helping simplify domain requests to working with to develop a new public benefits texting service, the six projects featured here focus on putting their users first. Learn more about how these launches emphasize the importance of user research and strong partnerships in delivering better government services.— via 18F

18f logo
Oct 08, 2024

Reassessing priorities: Adapting to additional work without additional resources

The Office of Natural Resources Revenue’s Open Data, Design, and Development (ODD) team is taking on management of a fourth website, despite being short-staffed. As a result, they have revisited and reprioritized their yearly goals. To do so, they utilized a prioritization matrix, developed a structured impact assessment, and laid out a transition plan. Their process ensured realistic workload adjustments, improved team morale, and highlighted the importance of practical goal-setting, especially when teams are short-staffed.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue

doi-revenuedata logo
Jul 23, 2024

18F’s engineering craft practices at 10

18F recently celebrated its 10th anniversary by renewing its commitment to refining and sharing best practices through regular publications, tech talks, and updates to the 18F Engineering Guide. They also created a permanent principal consulting engineer role to enhance digital service delivery and support skill development within the organization.— via 18F

18f logo
Jul 09, 2024

18F’s engineering craft practices at 10

18F recently celebrated its 10th anniversary by renewing its commitment to refining and sharing best practices through regular publications, tech talks, and updates to The 18F Engineering Guide. They also instructed a permanent principal consulting engineer role to enhance digital service delivery and support skill development within the organization.— via 18F

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Jul 09, 2024

FEMA National Summit on Risk Communications, Crisis Communications, and Community Engagement

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of External Affairs is convening risk and crisis communicators and community leaders who are on the front-line of the climate and emerging hazard crises. Attend the free, June 10, 2024, summit virtually, or in Washington, DC. The agenda includes: the sharing invaluable tools and insights, how to implement culturally competent and accessible communications, how to integrate behavior change strategies, and more. An ASL interpreter will be provided.— via Federal Emergency Management Agency

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Apr 25, 2024

Celebrating the work of public servants invites you to participate in their #GovPossible campaign to celebrate Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW)! Recognize the invaluable efforts of government employees who ensure that the everyday needs of Americans are met. Access a range of tools and resources to help you join the #GovPossible campaign and show your support. The #GovPossible toolkit makes it easy for you to participate in this important (and fun!) campaign.— via

performancegov logo
Apr 09, 2024

18F at ten

We’re celebrating all the ways we continue to realize our founding vision: bringing technologists into government, launching shared digital services, and helping partner agencies build user-centered technology.— via 18F

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Mar 19, 2024

Managing a high-performing dream team in the federal government

Discover how the Open Data, Design, and Development (ODDD) team at the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) transformed their federal projects with Agile methodologies, creating a culture of collaboration, accountability, and openness. From unique sprint names to engaging traditions and innovative knowledge-sharing practices, this blog post offers insights into building a high-performing dream team in government.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue

doi-revenuedata logo
Nov 27, 2023

HHS Leverages Data for Impact and Action at the 2023 Health Datapalooza

U.S. Digital Corps Fellows at HHS proved instrumental to delivering this year’s Health Datapalooza, especially the 2023 Health Equity DataJam, which launched at the event as a two-month-long technology sprint through the end of April. A professional association for health services and policy researchers will run the DataJam using HHS open data. Thanks to the U.S. Digital Corps Fellows, includes DataJam challenge prompts, priority themes, open datasets, and curated resources for solvers.— via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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Mar 10, 2023

Challenge.Gov FY22 Year In Review is proud to be part of an ecosystem advancing open innovation in the federal government and engaging the public in open ways. Through the collective efforts of federal challenge managers and the ChallengeGov team, hosted more prize competitions from a greater number of federal agencies than in previous years. Review fiscal year 2022’s accomplishments, and five goals for FY23.— via

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Feb 27, 2023

Creating a Culture of Innovation at Your Agency

When we talk about innovation in government tech, what do we mean? During a recent project, 18F partnered with a government innovation lab to help them understand the impact innovation can have at their organization.— via 18F

18f logo
Sep 12, 2022
Celebrating OSTP’s biennial report to Congress on Implementation of Federal Prizes and Citizen Science Authority, Fiscal Years 2019 - 2020, and the role of community partnerships in the federal open innovation landscape.
IT Modernization

Technology-boosting TMF Investments Deliver Benefits for the American Public

The Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) is working to transform the way the government uses technology to deliver for the American public in an equitable, secure and user-friendly way. It strategically invests in priority IT modernization projects that are aligned with the fast pace of changing technology and agency needs. Here are a few examples of how the TMF has invested in multiple projects that are helping many agencies deliver what people need when they need.

May 23, 2022

The Opportunity Project 2021 Summit: Open Innovation for All

Census Open Innovation Labs (COIL) at the U.S. Census Bureau is hosting a virtual, 3-day innovation conference, December 13 to 15. This year’s summit will feature keynotes, panels, workshops, and more—showcasing technology built with open data, and how to create space for conversations on government innovation, effective collaboration, the power of open data, and the inclusion of all voices. Seven federal agencies and two cities led TOP sprints focused on the World Post-COVID-19. They’ll introduce the resulting new products and announce more than $300,000 in awards to the winners of the Open Data for Good Grand Challenge. Review the full agenda and register to attend.

Dec 01, 2021