Journey Maps as Communication Tools
The team at Office of Natural Resources Revenue wrote about how they use journey mapping to help teams look at their agency’s processes in a more comprehensive way.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue

The team at Office of Natural Resources Revenue wrote about how they use journey mapping to help teams look at their agency’s processes in a more comprehensive way.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue
A new PIF team has begun their work applying data science approaches to device, drug, and software development, and associated regulatory decisions.
Today’s update introduces a powerful toolkit of new features to help make creating useful, consistent digital services faster, simpler, and more fun.
A look at how the new Safari policy will alter your web analytics benchmarks.
These new API standards will make it easier for GSA staff to launch and maintain good APIs.
As a Presidential Innovation Fellow in my second year, I often get asked by the newer class of PIFs coming in, “What does a successful PIF year typically look like?”
A 14-week sprint delivered digital tools that used federal open data to address Lyme and tick-borne diseases.
In her path to becoming a product manager, a civil servant found the flexibility to explore new approaches to managing the product while periodically shaping her role into something that worked for the team.— via Office of Natural Resources Revenue
An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration