Government Contact Center Round Up
The Government Contact Center Council (G3C), led by GSA’s Tonya Beres, has been working with DigitalGov University to host events for the contact center community across the federal government.
This year they hosted events and posted articles that will help you get a contact center up and running, make up-to-date changes to meet 21st century expectations, and incorporate new features like adaptive content, chat, and handling social media inquiries.

Androsov Konstantin, iStock, Thinkstock
In June the G3C hosted their annual workshop where Mary Ann Monroe, Director of Customer Experience in GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (OCSIT), shared the results and best practices from J.D. Power and Associates’ audit of the Contact Center (PowerPoint presentation, 193 KB, 19 slides). There were also presentations by Ellis Hall of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on lessons learned from EEOC’s call centers (PowerPoint presentation, 75 KB, 5 slides) and Rosetta Lue of the City of Philadelphia on Customer Experience Data (PowerPoint presentation, 1MB, 16 slides). Martha Dorris, Associate Administrator for GSA’s OCSIT presented on Customer Service Initiatives Across Government (PowerPoint presentation, 81 KB, 4 slides).
If you are interested in joining the G3C and attending their monthly events, participation is open to federal, state, and local government employees. They also host a listserv for members to ask questions, share ideas, and provide ongoing support. To get involved, please contact the G3C Membership Coordinator, Barbara Walton.
DigitalGov also has numerous resources and articles about managing contact centers:
- View the Contact Center Guidelines in our resources section for information on contact center technologies, how to get started, and operations and management of a contact center.
- Make sure you’re following the Top 8 Best Practices for Federal Contact Centers.
- Article: Should Your Agency be Offering Chat Services—an article about using live chat services, best practices, hurdles, and other FAQs.
- Article: Improving Contact Center Performance: Contract Dos and Don’ts—an article about using your contact center contract to incentivize your contractor.
- Article: What Do People Think of Your Content? Ask the Contact Center, which summarizes how content managers can check in with the contact center. They hear about customers’ experiences—their needs, their satisfaction or dissatisfaction—and then YOU can act on it.
You can also check out our feeds for all the G3C posts and Government Contact Center posts.