Agency Digital Strategy Pages

Aug 22, 2012
A compass with green markings points to the word, Strategy.

olm26250, iStock, Thinkstock

In his May 23rd, 2012 Presidential Memorandum, President Obama directed executive departments and agencies to:

  1. Implement the requirements of the Digital Government Strategy, and
  2. Create a page at www.[agency].gov/digitalstrategy to publicly report progress of this implementation.

Consistent with Milestone Actions #2.1 (open data) and #7.1 (mobile optimization), agencies will post candidate data sets and services to open up over the next several months on these pages.

Ensuing OMB guidance directed agencies to publish this progress information in HTML, XML, and JSON at consistent urls (/digitalstrategy or /digitalstrategy.html, /digitalstrategy.xml, and /digitalstrategy.json, respectively) and following a granular and publicly available schema. This allows the public to dynamically track progress across government at a granular level– easily and sustainably.

As more agencies publish their HTML, XML, and JSON progress reports, this page will be updated with their links. However, the public is encouraged to use the opensourced schema and code to assemble tracking mechanisms of their own in order to participate in and drive innovation and modernization across the entire federal government.

Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health & Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing & Urban Development
Department of the Interior
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transportation
Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency for International Development
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Communications Commission
General Services Administration
National Aeronautics & Space Administration
National Archives & Records Administration
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
National Science Foundation
Office of Personnel Management
Small Business Administration
Social Security Administration